Bike Repairs and Advice

It’s now a drop in.

Thanks to the fantastic bike volunteers – John, Will, Jon, Peter and Simon – we now offer weekly sessions. And the best bit is that you can just turn up. No need to book.

These sessions are also informal workshops where you can ask about how to maintain your bike – a great source of information.

If you think your repair is a bit more complex, drop us an email first (and even send some snaps) – makery-bikes@

The Makery drop-ins

Mondays12-2pm: Textiles and upholstery
6-8pm: Bike repairs
Wednes11-1 – Woodwork and Tool Library
1-3pm: Textiles & Quiet drop In
6-7.30pm: Electrical and General
Fridays12-2pm: Textiles & General
Saturdays10-12: General & Tool Library