Come visit the Makery in 2024

Come visit the Makery community workshop and find out what we do.

Makery Tour Wednesday 29th May: 14.30 – 15.00 pm

Wednesday 5th of June – 19.00 – 19.30 pm
Makery Workshop – Todmorden College – Burnley Road

This is a chance to come visit the Makery to find out what is happening and what is available at Todmorden’s community workshop.  

These event make up a series of orientation events to help you find out if there is something for you  at the Makery or we can help you  make new things happen.

Please book on via email or via the form below

Send us an email or fill in this form

A discussion on the ethos of the Makery.

Above is a link to a discussion piece on the ethos of the Makery. Some of it is pasted below. Please do comment on the above especially if you are a member and want to input to it.

Thoughts on the Ethos and the Uniqueness of the Makery

A discussion piece:  There are a few models of spaces that are similar to the Makery – e.g. repair cafe, hack space, maker space, community centres –  but it also seems to be a unique blend. This is a personal attempt to get down on paper some of the different threads of activity and the ethos behind them as a way of discussing them with members and steering group going forward. 

We make it happen together: The Makery is created together by its members whether they volunteer regularly or pop in occasionally. While some projects do need some coordination to happen which people are paid for, the whole project is made possible only by the good will of people giving their time and chipping in resources.

In Club Makery drinks are free – the kettle and the sofa are key tools: In other words having a brew, a chat and relaxing is an important part of the project.  

Peer Learning and Teaching: One great thing about the Makery is that it is a space which is designed to support and encourage peer learning. This learning is not only at specific workshops, nor only for people that bring in repairs that they would like to learn how to do themselves, it also happens through accidental learning and teaching. For example, someone that visits the Makery to get some trousers taken up may overhear someone else asking about how to do something else completely and be prompted to share their knowledge.  

A space built on membership rather than consuming a product:  While specific workshops are useful as an outreach tool, it is being a part of a community of members that underlies the ethos of the space. As such, everyone that enters the space is encouraged to join the project as a member. Other members are also curious about what they want to develop or create and what they could share with others if given the right support. Ideally people are helped to find a space for themselves in the Makery project.

Valuing diversity in background, values and approaches: When people have different approaches and backgrounds it is a rich ground for learning. It is worthwhile being proactive to try to attract a varied membership base using the space and to be honest about what could be better. Let’s also keep celebrating the contributions of regular volunteers who donate their time to help others. 

A practical approach to reusing and repurposing: Permaculture approaches apply to growing but they also apply to other uses of resources. Where possible we act as a hub for donations of tools and materials to grow our skills and help people (for example the free shop). Reducing waste is useful and empowering. 

Shared access to technology and skills: The tool library and 3D printer are examples how it can be more efficient and fair to have shared, community access to tools. It is also worth celebrating that people will volunteer to help.

Playful approaches and creations building useful skills: The process of making something that’s fun and frivolous can also build skills and inspire curiosity of others in the process of making it. For example creating a donations box that was a pinball machine, with LED lights.

A space for Family Learning and more isolated adults: There are some particular groups for which the Makery seems to provide space and experiences which are hard to get anywhere else. For families it’s a great space to make things together while being in a space that values repair skills and reducing waste. For adults that may be relatively isolated for whatever reason it is a great way of being in a social space with low pressure and the sense of being part of something that is created together with others and valued by the community. 

A rough audio recording of Mick doing a tour

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